
Living life for health and happiness

Winning and WOD’s

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It’s been a sunny super weekend of fitness!  I ran the Edinburgh BUPA 10k yesterday which was a hilly route and hot but I managed it in 56m33s.  I’m pleased with my time and now hooked on 10ks so looking for the next event to work towards to beat my time.


Me and and my medal! (I am on the right)

I’m a glutton for punishment as I didn’t schedule a day of rest today after my 10k run, instead I had a 5am start this morning.   I was up and out for a 4.5k jog to my new CrossFit gym or “box” as Crossfitters call it.  What is CrossFit? In short, it’s a strength and conditioning program but it’s also a lot more than that.  It’s a community, it’s challenging and it’s inspirational.  You only compete against yourself but when you see what the more experienced Crossfitters can achieve in their W.O.D (Work Out of the Day) it encourages you to push yourself as you know that eventually it will pay off!

Today’s WOD’s was…

8 rounds

300m run/sprint.

16 x Kettlebell Overhead Swing.

10 x Overhead Clean & Press.

NB: On the board the above exercises were written in CrossFit acronyms (there are a lot) but I can’t remember them!

I completed my WOD today with 15kg barbell and 10kg kettlebell in 38m15s.  It should have been a 30kg/12kg weight but as I am newbie I was concentrating more on my technique.  It was fairly tough and I am little bit scared for when I have to rack up the weight :).  Anyone who wants to CrossFit in Edinburgh I can’t recommend Mission Training Systems enough.  They have a great set up, great coaches and great folk to work out with. You can find them here

My posterior chain is feeling the effects already so taking it easy for the rest of the day with plenty of stretching.

Have a fantastic Monday!


Author: cocobela

Living life for health and happiness

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