
Living life for health and happiness

Work Out Wednesday

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Up at 6am this morning for a morning gym session before work! I am loving the sunshine at the moment as I makes draggin’ my ass out of bed that early much easier to do, although I was slow to get out the door and a quick caffeine fix gave me the energy for my sunny jog to the gym.  There is no secret to getting up for an early sesh, it’s just good ole planning and preparation.  Before bed my take away breakfast and lunch is prepped and clothes set out so all I have to do is throw my gym gear on and the rest in a bag and then I am off.  Making sleep a priority is a must too as it doesn’t matter how prepped you are if the alarm goes that early and I haven’t had at least 7 hours sleep then the temptation to roll over and ignore it is very tempting.  Working out in the AM works best for me as excuses and stuff gets in the way if I plan after work sessions.

Okay so on to the work out, I am still feeling muscle soreness from my Crossfit session on Monday so I felt the need to burn some lactic acid off with a high energy Fusion strength workout.  I have spoken about JNL Fusion workouts before, they are strength and cardio blast circuits devised by my workout inspiration Jennifer Nicole Lee.  I modified this version of the workout I found on so I can target the areas I want to work on, for explanations on the exercises see here. I love this workout because it’s fast, sweaty and fun. The routine is 8 circuits, perform each circuit 3 times and I have a 45 sec rest between after the 3rd round of each circuit so the split work like this; 30sec strength/30 sec cardio blast x3, 45 sec rest then move on the next circuit.  I have downloaded an interval timer app on my phone to time my circuits.  Here’s my routine – enjoy!


I didn’t bother with a 5 min warm up because I jogged to the gym so I completed this my Fusion workout in a little over 30mins and tacked on a 8min CrossFit AMRAP after my workout.  What the heck is an AMRAP? It’s other CrossFit acronym of course J It stands for As Many Round As Possible (sometimes Reps) I tried the AMRAP we tried in my CrossFit class last week which was;

(1). 4 x sumo deadlift back down to squat (with 7kg medicine ball and it’s my description of the exercise. There is a CrossFit acronym but I can’t remember it!)
(2). 6 x push up
(3). 8 x butterfly sit up.

I managed 6 full rounds and finished on 4 sumo deadlift/squats and I need to start a diary of my CrossFit workouts as you are supposed to be aiming to beat your personal best!

Hope its sunny where you are and enjoy the day.


Author: cocobela

Living life for health and happiness

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