
Living life for health and happiness

21 Day Sugar Detox: Day 1

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Today I start my 21 day sugar detox. Why? Despite eating a healthy diet most of the time my love of the sweet stuff is getting out of control and abstinence is the only way to kick the bad habit of craving sugar. I am not one of those people that can have a square of chocolate and leave it at that, one square and I’m hooked until the whole bar is gone – and I’m talking family sized! I read that by doing a sugar detox you will turn into one of those saintly people that can honestly say they don’t want anything off the dessert menu, so I’m going to give it a try.

Why is something that tastes so good so bad :(? Here are some not so sweet facts:

1. Sugar makes you fat. It causes resistance to a hormone called leptin. Leptin controls hunger and feelings of satiety. If your body doesn’t let leptin do what it is supposed to do, you eat more than you need and get fat.
2. Sugar is empty calories – it has no nutrients, vitamins or minerals whatsoever.
4. Sugar ruins your teeth. The bacteria that forms plaque uses sugar for energy which allows it to multiply faster.
3. Sugar is ADDICTIVE!!! When we eat sugar, dopamine is released in the brain, giving us a feeling of pleasure. This is actually how illegal drugs like cocaine function so it could be said that sugar is a legal drug which is why ‘cold turkey’ is the only way to kick the habit.

Here is a list of food to avoid while on a sugar detox:
Bakery Products – Avoid all bakery products made from white flour
Carbohydrates – Avoid white pasta, wheat pasta and white rice. Also avoid potatoes
Cereals/Grains – Avoid any cereal/grains
Dairy Products – Avoid all dairy, this includes cheese, yoghurt and creamy sauces
Fruit – Avoid all fruit not listed below
Liquids – Avoid alcohol, fruit juice and other sweetened beverages
Diet drinks – Especially avoid these as they contain artificial sweeteners
Sugar: Avoid all sugars, these include sucrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, honey, maple syrup and agave nectar. Also avoid artificial sweeteners.
Other: Avoid MSG and trans fats. Also avoid soy, hydrogenated oil and vinegar. Definitely avoid fried foods.

So what can you eat?
Here’s the list of approved foods while on a sugar detox:
All Herbs
All Vegetables (except for sweet potatoes and yams in moderation if you are not super sensitive)
Brown rice, Lentils, Beans and Quinoa.
Fruit: Avocado, Lemon, Lime, Tomatoes, Goji Berries.
Meat: Organic turkey, chicken, beef, lamb. Wild caught salmon and other fish.
Nuts and seeds.
Oils: Coconut oil, Olive oil, Ghee and Butter.

I have read in other articles that cottage cheese and natural yogurt are ok in moderation too so I am adding that in. Whilst training cottage cheese is a staple for me, as a quick and easy way to keep protein consumption high. I’ll be blogging about my detox and no doubt use it as a distraction when the cravings kick in, so wish me luck 🙂


Author: cocobela

Living life for health and happiness

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